Last year, after Christmas was over, I saw the cutest Little People Nativity for sale on craigslist. I didn't even know they made such a thing! I thought it was such a great idea to have a Nativity set that it is okay for kids to play with. It helps to keep Christmas centered on Christ, and you don't have to worry about the nice Nativities getting broken. So, I was keeping my eyes open for a good price come Black Friday. My husband and I were discussing you Christmas budget this year, and I told him how much I wanted to buy a kid-friendly nativity this year for our kids. He pointed out that I was already working on some princess themed wooden peg dolls (using this tutorial) for my niece, so why couldn't I take the same method and use it to make a Nativity set? Can I just tell you how much I LOVE my husband? I really, really do! What a brilliant idea, I thought. And then it went on the back burner. That is, until yesterday when my four-year-old began playing with my porcelain Nativity Set. EEEEEEK!! So, during nap and quiet time for the kiddos I began making them and early Christmas present, and I finished it after they went to bed last night.
I used my existing Nativity Sets as ideas for drawing the outlines of clothing on the peg dolls, and Baby Jesus' manger is a re-purposed baby food jar lid painted brown with a little raffia in it. I'm hoping to use some scrap wood to build a stable and perhaps make some animals out of at some point, but for now this is keeping little fingers off of my Nativities, and my four-year-old was so excited to get one of his own!
Tall peg dolls (2 each pack): 3 x $1.50 at Craft Warehouse
Short peg dolls (4 in each pack): 1 x $1.50 @ Craft Warehouse
Paint leftover from other projects: $0
Baby Food Jar Lid: $0
Raffia leftover from another project: $0
Total cost to me: $5
Sure beats $30-40, I still have 3 leftover small dolls, and my kiddo is just as happy!
NOTE: I later found peg people in packs of 8 at Hobby Lobby for $2.99/pack, which would be a cheaper way to go as per individual doll cost, but there would be more leftovers and it would run $6 total between the two sizes.
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